2024 gender pay report
Gender Pay Reporting
Travail Employment Group is committed to equality, diversity and the creation of an inclusive culture where everyone can be themselves. We are committed to equality of pay, equality of opportunity for all of our direct employees and temporary workers. We believe that all individuals should be free from any form of discrimination or harassment and paid equally based on their skills and abilities. We exercise full legislative compliance and best practice policies throughout our network.
All organisations with more than 250 employees must publish and report specific figures about their gender pay gap. For the purpose of gender pay reporting this includes direct employees of Travail Employment Group Ltd and the temporary workers supplied to their Clients.
Gender Pay reporting is different to equal pay
The gender pay gap is a measure of the difference between the average earnings of men and women. This is different to equal pay which relates to men and women being paid equally for the same work. It is unlawful to pay people unequally because they are a man or a woman.
Key Data
Mean and median gender pay gap
The mean gender pay gap is the difference in average hourly rates of pay that male and female workers receive. This gives an overall indicator of the gender pay gap by taking all hourly rates of pay and dividing by the total number of people in scope.
The median gender pay gap shows the difference in the midpoints of the ranges of hourly rates of pay for male and female workers by ordering individual rates of pay from the lowest to the highest and comparing the middle value.
Mean -13.5% Median 0.4%
Mean and median gender bonus gap
The mean gender bonus gap is the difference in average bonus pay that male and female workers receive.
The median gender bonus gap shows the difference in the midpoints of the ranges of bonus pay received by male and female workers.
Mean 56.4% Median 33.4%
Proportion of males and females receiving a bonus
This is the percentage of male and female workers who received bonus pay in the 12 months leading up to the snapshot date of the 5th April 2024.
Male 3.5% Female 23.9%
Proportion of males and females by pay quartile
This is the percentage of male and female workers in four quartile bands.

I confirm the gender pay gap data contained in this report is accurate:
Kevin Green
Managing Director